
what do you do when pseudo must become quasi but limits are the oppression of the layman… true freedom untenable. merely a desire and never an "is".

while I observe the seasons greetings with trepidation and love for my mother allow me to express to you again why we are the most deserving of malaise consumers on the planet.

As i do at times when my personal words really wouldn’t do or serve any necessity when it comes to the import of the blog entry… i’m just going to plagiarize the living crap out some other site or blog entry which way more research and thought has gone into. let’s discuss when your girl’s “best friend” is on her christmas wishlist and you and your student loan ridden income can’t get her what she needs and you have no idea that synthesized… not artificial because they have the same molecular profile as thousands year old natural diamonds and can be grown in laboratories in approximately two weeks you can imagine how effectively that this increases the reckless abandon of the jeweler dependent on price and which will not only ease your mind when it comes to finance but also probably end up with everybody coming away from the transaction way more satisfied fact being… if they are vvs, that these things are even cuttable . humans valuing and irresponsible coveting of things and competencies, whether it be gods or power or material objects… which surpass their relative significance in this reality is seriously unnerving. it just recently came to me and if she gets them after christmas i doubt she’ll hate you too bad. if you look at them as “green” sustainable diamonds which could be manufactured and sent off to you and possibly make it to your house if you ordered today to slide under the tree you’d be correct. no children with missing limbs no hundred thousand dollar diamonds that your jeweler is scared to cut on. you know i’m aggravated right now and i need my earmuffs and anti-depressants but i’m going to post the scientific meaning of molecule for you damned high school dropouts.

: the smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties (see property sense 1a) of the substance and is composed of one or more atoms

unless your spouse loves money more than you… it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, its a duck.

lab grown diamonds, down to the molecule.

coolest women’s clothes on the planet.